Thursday, April 2, 2009

Feeding the baby animals

In response to Sue's blog "Fair spring, where art thou?" I have spent a good part of the day hunting for and scanning some photos to put on my blog, I guess most of what I have of your granddad taking care of animals are in my own memory banks. But I'll keep looking around. I did find this cute one of Jane and I feeding two bum lambs when we lived at the D Ranch, 40 miles north of Moorcroft in northeastern Wyoming, another 12 miles north of Oshoto. (probably 1948-50?) Oshoto is still on a Wyoming map.

The story behind this goes something like this. There was a sheep rancher that lived a little ways from us, maybe 15-20 miles. In the spring, ewes often had twins and not every one was accepted by their mothers, thus the bum lambs. When it appeared that a lamb would need to be fed by a human, he'd call up my dad (yes, we had a phone - of sorts - out there) So my dad would go over and pick up those lambs and as a family - it was probably mostly him - feed them through the summer, and when fall came, would sell them.

1 comment:

Sue said...

Amelia says, "awww, tuuuute (cute)!"

Thanks for posting this Mom. I feel a scrapbook page in my future!