Monday, February 8, 2010

the new looking furnace room

I now have a new companion for my new furnace - a new hot water heater :-) The date of manufacture on the old one was 1989. So it had lived a long, useful life. My plumber says that some new ones only last 10 years, but he highly recommends these Bradford-White brand ones - the same as he took out. Should get more showers out of it at one time, now too - that is when company is here.

The old one, rusty water, shouldn't be draining this much...

The new one, same brand, and although the floor is stil rusty, the heater itself is shiny with new intake flexible coil lines.
Supposed to be warm enough for a long shower in about 45 minutes this first time.

And many thanks to the Laurels who thought about the single sisters in our ward and brought us each plenty of sugar, pink of course... LOL


Sue said...

Aren't you glad you cleaned out all the old boxes? 'Course that's probably how you discovered the rusty water heater, huh?

Nice work paying cash. Dave would be so proud!

We made sugar cookies with the Nate cousins for FHE tonight. We're all hoping not to go into a diabetic coma during the night!

Lois Ann said...

I had goten a couple of estimates a couple of years ago - planning ahead, don't you know- and they were near $1,000. This guy charged $600 and was in ond out in an hour. Thank you Father! for these little blessings along the way.

Becky in Wyo said...

Yep, paying for something new is a pain, but having something new is a real treat!