Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's Raining Leaves (from December)

13 December 2008

“The best fun I have had all fall” so claimed Lily as she helped (??) me rake up the 9 big bags of leaves in my back yard, just before the snow started to fall. Kids just have a different vision of what it means to rake leaves and what the finished product should look like.

Eventually, Amelia came out from the house and was persuaded to get into the leafy bed with her sister.


Sue said...

That last picture is the best! A definite keeper.

What Mom didn't tell you is that she and Lily raked all afternoon, but didn't get a single leaf bagged. Then the next morning the snow started and Mom had to rush out and bag all the leaves by herself because Lily was too whiney to go out in the cold wind. Grandkids are SOOOO helpful!

Becky in Wyo said...

Yep, that picture is a keeper! Mom, now you have to blog about your "old age" injuries...